Nursery 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Nursery!

There are 2 classes in Nursery ; Class NP and Class NS.  The Teachers are Ms Papatheodorou on Monday/Tuesday/Thursday/Friday and Ms Daly on Wednesday (Class NP), Ms Morrison on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday and Ms Sarwar on Thursday and Friday (Class NS).  Teaching assistants also working with us; Ms Kaur, Miss Qamar, Ms Lucy, Mrs Rooney and Ms Aisha.

Spring Term 2025

This half term, we will focus on developing our oracy skills during circle time. We will be learning how to express our ideas and actively listen to others. We will also be reading 'I can fly' by Fifi Kuo and 'Bear Snores On' by Karma Wilson and Jane Chapman.

Communication and Language: We will continue expanding our vocabulary by learning new nursery rhymes and incorporating language development into both circle time and social interactions such as play and snack time. These moments will provide valuable opportunities to practice communication and build friendships. 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development: Our learning will be supported by the 'Think Equal' programme, which incudes engaging stories and activities that help children explore their emotions and understand how others may feel. We will also discuss similarities and differences between ourselves and others.

Literacy:  This term, we will work on enhancing name recognition and writing skills. We will also practice turning pages correctly in books and identifying where to start reading on each page which distinguishing between text and illustration.

Maths: We will focus on positional language, using terms such as on top of, under, next to, in front of and behind to describe the position of objects.

Physical Development: We will take learning outdoors by visiting forest school, playing games with a ball, riding bikes and scooters, using a knife and fork at lunchtimes. Children will also work on becoming more independent using the toilet.

Expressive Art and design:  We will explore different musical instruments, learning their names and the sounds they produce. We will also listen to a variety of classical music to develop our preferences and discuss what we enjoy or dislike.


Please remember to...

  • always bring a spare set of clothes to school. This is in case of messy or water play as well as toileting accidents (also, please label all clothing)
  • send in a warm, waterproof coat with your child every day as the weather can change during the day
  • make sure your child has a labelled water bottle in school every day to keep them hydrated throughout the day
  • bring a pair of wellington boots for your child. These can be kept in your child's locker


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Contact Us

Wilbraham Primary School

Platt Lane,
Manchester, M14 7EB

0161 224 3900
Sleepy Dog

Please address all enquiries to our Principal Andrew Marchant
Paw Prints
Aspire Educational Trust
School Games Gold 2018-2019
Ofsted Graded Good

We Want Children At Wilbraham Primary School To Be..., happy, polite,
confident, creative and unique

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