Year 2 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 2!
There are 3 classes in Year 2 this year: 2C, 2D and 2M. The teachers are: Miss Crumbleholme, Miss Donovan and Mr Mahamoud. The other members of staff working with Year 2 are: Ms Rabia, Ms Kazi, Ms Rehman, Jo Turner-Baker, Ms Hussain, Ms Abdi and Ms Ahmed.
Spring 1 - Our World
This half-term we are covering the following topics:
- Writing: We will be learning about the Enormous Turnip, writing a recount. Then, we will be creating our own stories!
- Reading: We read lots of stories in Year 2. This half term all 3 classes will be reading a range of books including Flat Stanley and works by Lemony Snicket.
- Maths: Multiplication - the 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
- DT: We will make our own sandwich.
- PE: Yoga and Manchester City sessions.
- Music: Our Land (vocal sounds and instruments).
- RE: Judaism
- ICT: Online safety
- PSHE/P4C: What makes a good friend
Things to remember
- Reading books: Please bring your book bag in every day to have a chance of winning the class prize. Books will be changed each Monday. Please also bring your reading record in to be checked by your class teacher weekly.
- Phonics packs: Phonics books will be changed by your childs Phonics teacher each week.
Please bring a reusable water bottle to have in class every day.
PE Days:
2M- Wednesday/Friday
2C- Monday/ Wednesday
2D- Tues/Wednesday
If you ever have a concern please feel free to email your child's class teacher to arrange a chat.
2C Miss Crumbleholme:
2D Miss Donovan:
2M Mr Mahamoud:
- Spellings sent home every Friday (the children will not be tested)
- Reading and Phonics books to be read daily
- Practise number fluency e.g. number bonds to 10 and 20, addition and subtraction within 10, counting in 2's, 5's and 10's.
Useful links