Year 1 2024 - 2025
Welcome to Year 1!
There are 3 classes in Year 1 this year: 1B, 1R and 1M. The class teachers are Miss Browning (Class 1B), Miss Rigby (Class 1R), Ms Hardy and Mr Hoye (Class 1M) and Mr Williams will also be teaching on a Friday across all three classes. We are have five teaching assistants who also work with us: Ms Toft, Mr Carpenter, Ms Rasha, Miss Hoey, Miss Daulby
This half term we are looking forward to welcoming back Ms Hardy following her maternity leave. Ms Hardy will be teaching in 1M Monday-Wednesday and Mr Hoye will teach in 1M on Thursdays and Fridays.
Spring 2
This half-term we are covering the following topics:
- Writing: We will be writing our own recounts about a trip to the local park
- Reading: We will be focusing on a whole school special book for World Book Day
- Maths: We are beginning to use the plus and take away signs to complete equations
- Science: Exploring Seasonal changes
- Art: We will be exploring textiles
- PE: Minibeasts Dance
- History: What was life like for Queen Elizabeth II?
- RE: Exploring how and why we celebrate special and sacred times
- PSHE/Rights: What is money and how can we use it?
Things to remember
- Reading books: Please bring your book bag in every day to read with an adult. Books will be changed each Monday. Your child will recieve a colour coded book for their level of indepedent reading as well as a reading for pleasure book to read with an adult.
- Reading records: Your child will receive a reading record to log the books they are given and to share the amazing reading they have been doing at home.
- Phonics packs: Phonics books will be changed by your childs Phonics teacher each week.
Please bring a reusable water bottle to have in class every day.
PE Days:
- 1B: Tuesday and Wednesday
- 1R: Monday and Wednesday
- 1M: Monday and Wednesday
If you ever have a concern please feel free to email your child's class teacher to arrange a chat.
1B Miss Browning:
1R Miss Rigby :
1M Mr Hoye:
1M Ms Hardy
Mr Williams:
- Check out our Year group blog page for weekly oracy based homework questions!
Useful links
Files to Download
Year 1: Blog items
Purple Mash Competition, by Miss McAdam
TTRockstars Competition, by Miss McAdam
Purplemash Christmas card competition, by Miss McAdam