Year 1 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year 1!

There are 3 classes in Year 1 this year: 1B, 1R and 1M. The class teachers are Miss Browning (Class 1B), Miss Rigby (Class 1R), Ms Hardy and Mr Hoye (Class 1M) and Mr Williams will also be teaching on a Friday across all three classes. We are have five teaching assistants who also work with us: Ms Toft, Mr Carpenter, Ms Rasha, Miss Hoey, Miss Daulby

This half term we are looking forward to welcoming back Ms Hardy following her maternity leave. Ms Hardy will be teaching in 1M Monday-Wednesday and Mr Hoye will teach in 1M on Thursdays and Fridays.

Spring 2

This half-term we are covering the following topics:

  • Writing: We will be writing our own recounts about a trip to the local park
  • Reading: We will be focusing on a whole school special book for World Book Day 
  • Maths: We are beginning to use the plus and take away signs to complete equations 
  • Science: Exploring Seasonal changes
  • Art: We will be exploring textiles
  • PE: Minibeasts Dance 
  • History: What was life like for Queen Elizabeth II?
  • RE: Exploring how and why we celebrate special and sacred times
  • PSHE/Rights: What is money and how can we use it?

Things to remember

  • Reading books: Please bring your book bag in every day to read with an adult. Books will be changed each Monday. Your child will recieve a colour coded book for their level of indepedent reading as well as a reading for pleasure book to read with an adult.
  • Reading records: Your child will receive a reading record to log the books they are given and to share the amazing reading they have been doing at home.
  • Phonics packs: Phonics books will be changed by your childs Phonics teacher each week.
    Please bring a reusable water bottle to have in class every day. 

PE Days:

  • 1B: Tuesday and Wednesday
  • 1R: Monday and Wednesday
  • 1M: Monday and Wednesday


If you ever have a concern please feel free to email your child's class teacher to arrange a chat.

1B Miss Browning:

1R Miss Rigby :

1M Mr Hoye: 

1M Ms Hardy 

Mr Williams: 


  • Check out our Year group blog page for weekly oracy based homework questions!


Useful links 


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Contact Us

Wilbraham Primary School

Platt Lane,
Manchester, M14 7EB

0161 224 3900
Sleepy Dog

Please address all enquiries to our Principal Andrew Marchant
Paw Prints
Aspire Educational Trust
School Games Gold 2018-2019
Ofsted Graded Good

We Want Children At Wilbraham Primary School To Be..., happy, polite,
confident, creative and unique

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