Year 6 2024 - 2025
There are 3 classes in Year 6; Class 6E, Class 6G and Class 6A. The teachers are Mr Eccles (6E), Ms Gee (6G) and Miss Abrahams (6A), supported by Miss Ringwood, Mr Hutchinson and Mrs Izon. The teaching assistants also working with us are; Miss Galyna, Miss McAdam, Miss Habib and Mrs Guinnane.
In Spring we are learning (you can click on the document link below to see our overview):
Reading - We will be using our reading skills to study the novel ‘Clockwork’ by Philip Pullman. This will link to our writing .
Writing - We will be looking at the structure of and writing a balanced argument and participating in debates. We will also be writing Narratives with gothic themes.
Maths - We will be learning about deci-mals and percentage and linking them to fractions. We will be revising rounding, area and perimeter for our upcoming SATS.
Geography - We will be answering the question: Why do people migrate?
P.E - In indoor PE we will be working as a team to attack and defend playing Bench Ball. For outdoor games, we will be learning the game of Tag Rugby.
P.S.H.E - We will be reflecting on how the media can influence and affect people.
RE - Our big question: What can we do to reduce racism? Can religion help?
French - We will be learning to meet and greet.
Science - We will be exploring Evolution and Inheritance
Art - We will be exploring Islamic art and creating tiles for printing
DT- We will be making some carts and powering them with electrical circuits
Music - We will be continuing to learn songs about Journeys including migration and refuge.
Computing - We will be learning about binary and also copyright and ownership in computing
Things to Remember
- Our PE Days are 6A - Tuesday and Thursday, 6E - Thursday and Friday, 6G - Monday and Tuesday.
- PE kit must be in school on these days.
- Please bring a re-usable water bottle to have in class.
- Please bring in your book bags everyday.
- Reading at home at least 3 times a week
- TT Rockstars
- 3 weekly tasks for maths, reading and spelling will be handed out every Friday. The homework will allow your child to revise maths and spelling from Y3, 4 and 5.
Files to Download
Year 6: Blog items
Purple Mash Competition, by Miss McAdam
TTRockstars Competition, by Miss McAdam
Homework Week 6, by Miss McAdam