Ofsted Report
Dear Parents and Carers
Our recent Ofsted inspection report has now been published and is available to read. I have summarised the main points for you below:
- Wilbraham Primary School is a vibrant and diverse community. Pupils, regardless of their race, gender or culture, thrive at this happy and welcoming school.
- Pupils, including children in early years, behave well.
- They know that there are trusted adults whom they can go to if they have any worries or concerns.
- Pupils are proud members of their school.
- Parents and carers who spoke with inspectors said that they value the strong relationships between staff and pupils.
- Pupils feel happy and safe.
- Pupils, and children in early years, benefit from a well-thought-out curriculum in most subjects. This enables pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), to achieve well.
- Staff grasp every opportunity to develop children’s language skills. Right from the start, children enjoy listening to stories.
- Leaders and staff have ensured a strong culture of safeguarding. They leave no stone unturned to ensure that pupils are safe and well cared for. Staff are highly vigilant.
- Pupils are kind and considerate to each other. They can learn without disruption.
I am proud to say that the report is overwhelmingly positive and continues to recognise Wilbraham as a 'good' school. I would like to thank you, the staff and all the individuals who are committed to our children's educational journey.
Please follow the link below to read the full report.
I look forward to continuing to build on these successes in the future.